a digital forensic engineer discusses a report with their client

The Best Hardware and Software Tools for Computer Forensics

If there’s one important source of forensic evidence, it’s computers. However, newer criminals aren’t the only ones taking advantage of the technology—their traditional counterparts, too, have turned to computers.

But there’s one silver lining here: these criminals can be caught and prosecuted by a digital forensic engineer who can reliably extract the forensic information from these machines.

Thanks to a range of computer forensics tools, extracting reliable and accurate information is no longer a distant dream. Here are some of the best hardware and software tools you can use for computer forensics.

Forensic Toolkit (FTK)

FTK is an inexpensive forensic software tool created by AccessData. Its one-touch-button interface makes it very easy to use. AccessData has also come up with ACE—a forensic certification that’s based on its software. FTK has turned the behind-the-scenes, hard work of setting up searches by automating certain procedures. For example, just by pressing a button pops up an email. The FTK report generator is what does all the hard yards. Basically, it puts a useful report into the automated hands of forensic software while still enabling the examiner to control the report if they want.

If you want to know more about this software, visit AccessData.

Forensic Recovery of Evidence Device (FRED)

Digital Intelligence came up with FRED—a forensic workstation that has an interface for every occasion. Besides the laboratory version, FRED is also compatible with mobile phones, facilitating the extraction of evidence in the field for rapid analysis.

But what does FRED do? It combines almost every interface into a single, convenient workstation, freeing you of connecting/disconnecting a toolbox littered with interfaces. There’s another helpful FRED feature: upon request, it allows you to collect software packages loaded on it. This may include FTK, EnCase, and the like.

Visit Digital Intelligence if you want to know more about this product. The company doesn’t just offer great technical support but also offers training in using their system.


Many organizations consider EnCase as the gold standard for almost every computer forensic examination. It’s unlike any of its competitors as it allows you to tailor it for unique searches. If you have a computer forensic toolbox, don’t forget to make EnCase a part of it.

EnCase has a ton of built-in forensic features, for instance, web page carving, e-mail searches, keyword searches, etc. You can use EnCase as a full-blown network forensic-analysis tool or a more subtle, mobile device acquisition tool—the options are endless.

Two of its best features are:

  • Fully automated report function: It quickly builds reports for you.
  • Scripting language: You can tailor searches.

There’s rock-solid support for EnCase. Plus, the technical support actually knows how to solve problems, and if required, they can also offer multi-language support.

Eclipse Forensics’ digital forensic engineer helps you critically locate the electronic evidence

Eclipse Forensics understands that people face different kinds of computer forensic matters. To help them deal with these difficulties, our digital forensic expert offers a comprehensive range of services across the investigative, discovery, and forensic lifecycles.

Give our forensic computer analyst a call now!

Posted in Digital Forensic.