document redaction

Data Redaction: What is it and Why Do You Need It?

Data redaction refers to masking sensitive information from documents that are used in different industries. The goal is to help protect sensitive data from getting misused or getting into the wrong hands.

The industries that utilize this technique are mainly government-run services that need to obscure confidential information.

Why is it so Important?

If you are running a company, you’re probably already aware of this technique. All companies have sensitive data that contains information that needs to be secured.

This content is broken down into three categories, namely employee data, customer data, or company data. When access to sensitive information is redacted, PII, PHI, & PCI can be safeguarded.

Methods of Data Redaction

1.     Page Location

Medical information, trade secrets, proprietary information, social security numbers, and judicial files all fall under the heading of “sensitive information”.

To redact sensitive information a tool is required to strip out all the contents. This applies whether it’s in a storage or a source file. If the same file is stored in both locations, it’s very important that the information is redacted from both locations.

2.     Pattern Matching

Information needs to be scanned properly for redaction. Pattern matching can be used to identify data in such a situation. Determining the type of pattern a certain piece of information contains can help you redact it much faster..

Almost every industry has tools and techniques to redact documents. If you need professional help, then a digital forensic consultant is perfect for the job. Try hiring one from a reliable agency like Eclipse Forensics. We have the right people for the job!

3.     Manual Redacting

Although this method isn’t quite as effective as automated ones, it is still required after the document has gone through the initial and final stages of redaction. Make sure to go through it very carefully; incomplete redaction can cause havoc, exposing crucial information that should be protected. Just make sure you follow the entire process with concentration to ensure quality.

Redacting documents is something that must be left to professionals. Digital forensics agencies offer redacting services. If you are based in Florida, then feel free to contact us. The digital forensic experts at Eclipse Forensics will make sure no sensitive piece of information remains exposed. Call us to book an appointment.

Posted in Digital Forensic.