an animated image showing 'censored' written on the screen

All You Need to Know About Investigative Tools in Data Redaction

The technique of disguising critical material and content from records and documentation used in numerous sectors is known as data blackout or redaction. The goal of data redaction is to prohibit sensitive information from falling under the umbrella of unauthorized people or being abused.

High-profile corporate enterprises or government-maintained departments and organizations who require masking secret information use data redaction solutions provided by renowned digital forensics companies.

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an individual working in an audio lab

The Role of Audio Forensics in the Music Industry

An audio technician’s greatest fear is loud, distorted, unintelligible tapes—but they frequently include crucial proof during criminal proceedings. The forensic audio professional’s task is to find that proof.

The era of forensic sound using shelves and cabinets of gear is pretty much gone. Did you know that software plug-ins could nearly always perform what our priceless analog buddies previously achieved? Today’s modern forensic audio analysts have access to cutting-edge, sophisticated technology—like the CEDAR Audio’s newest CCS 3000, an “all in all” station intended to provide quick and straightforward audio improvement.

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tablet screen showing alert for malicious activity

4 Tips on How to Avoid Malicious Activity on Your Phone

It seems that there is a fresh smartphone privacy leak each moment you look around. A few months ago, the infamous NSO Organization, a manufacturer of spying technology, abused weaknesses within iOS 9.3.5 to access emails along with chats, record audio, gather credentials, as well as potentially monitor people’ conversations and locations. In return, Apple published a firmware upgrade on August 25.

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fingerprint security

How Information is Hidden in Digital Crime: Techniques and Examples

Data can be obscured by digital criminals in a manner that even when it’s in front of you, you either won’t be able to see it or, after seeing it, won’t be able to read it. Over the years, cybercrime has evolved greatly. Cybercriminals have developed techniques that make hiding dangerous data much easier as compared to yestertime. In this blog, we will talk about the two famous techniques used by cybercriminals to hide information.

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Everything You Need To Know about the Redactions Process

Data redaction is the process of masking sensitive data and information from files and documents used in various industries. Data redaction aims to protect classified data from getting into the wrong hands or getting misused.

Data redaction services are performed by reliable digital forensics and are utilized by high-profile private industries or government-run institutions and organizations that require obscuring confidential data.

Importance of Data Redaction

People running their own companies are already aware of data redaction. All companies have sensitive or confidential data that contain private or personal information that needs to be secured.

The data redaction process is broken down into three subcategories: customer data, employee data, or company data. Once you successfully redact access to sensitive information, PHI, PII, & PCI can be safeguarded.

Data Redaction Methods

Page Location

Trade secrets, medical information, social security numbers, judicial files, and proprietary information are all classified as “sensitive information.”

A tool is required for the stripping of all the contents to redact sensitive information. This tool works in both the source and storage files. In case the same piece of information is stored in both the source and storage file, it’s crucial to redact the information from both locations.

Pattern Matching

Proper scanning of all the information is crucial before the redaction process begins. The process of pattern matching can assist you at this stage. Pattern matching determines the type of pattern a piece of information contains. Scanning files by pattern matching technique can speed up the reaction process.

Almost every industry uses various techniques and tools to redact documents. If you find yourself in need of professional help, contacting a reliable digital forensics consultant can ease up the job for you. Hiring one from a reputable agency can make this complicated process extremely simple for you.

Manual Redacting

People redacting data manually

Manual redacting may not be as effective as automatic. However, it is still required once the data, information, or a document has passed the initial and final stages of the redaction process. Going carefully through this process is crucial for the completion of data redaction. Ineffective or incomplete redaction can have consequences such as exposure of important information that was supposed to be protected.

Regardless of how simple it may sound, it is best to leave the redaction of sensitive documents to trained professionals. A reliable digital forensics agency can perform the job for you. If you are a resident of Florida and want redaction of information for your business or personal use, feel free to get in touch with Eclipse Forensics. Digital forensics experts working at Eclipse Forensics will ensure all your sensitive information remains secure. We also offer forensic image redaction services. Feel free to contact us for further info.

An illustration of a digital forensics concept

Types of Data used in the Digital Forensics Process

Cybercrime is rapidly increasing every year, causing severe damage to individuals, companies, and the economy. Its investigation requires advanced training skills and technology.  Digital forensics experts work tirelessly to stop these cybercrimes from happening.

Digital forensics experts specialize in the investigation of network and computer-related crimes. They collect, store, recover and preserve evidence and data relevant to an investigation. They are also trained to perform a thorough analysis of the data and present it in a manner that is admissible in court as evidence.

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The Role of Digital Forensics in Cyber Security

Cybercrime seems to be everywhere these days, with cybercriminals lurking in the shadiest corners of the internet. These cybercriminals are wreaking havoc by stealing data, unleashing ransomware attacks, and even disrupting government operations.

Cybercrimes are getting more severe with every passing day. A report by Accenture shows that the number of security breaches increased by almost 11% between 2017 and 2018.

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children victim of cyber bullying

4 Tips to Keep Your Children Safe Online

The use of digital devices is getting more and more common in children around the country. Online games and many other social platforms seem to attract children more than adults. Unfortunately, these online platforms can often place your children in harm’s way. A substantial number of children get victimized by bullies online. Many more suffer from other mental health issues as a result of exposure to harmful content online. Here are a few ways parents can keep their children protected from the many dangers of digital platforms.

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The Negative Impacts of Social Media Usage

Social media is used by 4.48 billion people around the globe. More than half of the world’s population seems to be connected via these digital platforms. People belonging to different age groups use social media in various ways. Some can use this platform to find employment, some to find love interests, while others do so to stay close to their physically distant family members. Despite all of the benefits offered by these platforms, the user must restrict their social media use to a healthy limit. Users must also stay vigilant about sharing their personal information on these platforms. There are many more negative aspects associated with the use of social media that have alarming consequences. Here are a few ways social media can give rise to many problems in a person’s private and social life.

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unknown cybercriminal

4 Reasons for the Rise in Cybercrimes

Cybercrimes have been prevalent for almost as long as the internet has existed. Many formal and informal digital mediums have given criminals access to sensitive information that can be used for criminal purposes. Harassment, bullying, and financial frauds are some of the most common types of these cybercrimes. Many factors contribute to this sudden upsurge in cybercriminal activities. Here are a few of them.

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