Colorful logos of social media sites

The Negative Impacts of Social Media Usage

Social media is used by 4.48 billion people around the globe. More than half of the world’s population seems to be connected via these digital platforms. People belonging to different age groups use social media in various ways. Some can use this platform to find employment, some to find love interests, while others do so to stay close to their physically distant family members. Despite all of the benefits offered by these platforms, the user must restrict their social media use to a healthy limit. Users must also stay vigilant about sharing their personal information on these platforms. There are many more negative aspects associated with the use of social media that have alarming consequences. Here are a few ways social media can give rise to many problems in a person’s private and social life.

1. Mental Health Issues

Social media can only be positively impactful when used in moderation. Over-use of social networking sites can cause you to compare your life to that of influencers. Being reminded of others’ achievements every day can cause a person to suffer from self-doubt and depression.

2. Financial Frauds

Social media users can also fall victim to many online scams through criminals using fake IDs. A hacker often entices a vulnerable user using a false identity and acquires their bank details. Audio Forensic Services providers in Florida warn the public to keep away from strangers on social sites and abstain from sharing their bank details with any users online.

3. Identity Theft

Many users get their pictures stolen from their social media profiles that end up in the hands of cybercriminals. These criminals then use these pictures to fraud other users on these platforms. According to data forensic experts, using your pictures and personal details on public platforms can be dangerous and should be avoided.


4. Cyberbullying

Before the age of social media, bullying came with serious consequences. A bully can now hide behind an anonymous online account and threaten their victims without fearing repercussions. Social media is the easiest platform for these bullies to use for their harassing tactics.
Don’t let these Cybercriminals affect your mental health with their terrorizing tactics, and get in touch with cyber forensic experts at Eclipse Forensics that can help you find the culprits behind these threats.

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