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Digital Forensics: 3 Myths and Facts

As digital forensics become more common and significant in investigations, many people might get inaccurate ideas about how it works. However, that is understandable. People except digital forensics experts can’t understand how important digital evidence is and how it is collected, preserved, and analyzed.

Myths and facts are an inseparable part of any industry, including digital forensics. Nevertheless, if these myths are not cleared, people might even start to question the viability of digital evidence. This blog will bust some common digital forensics myths and highlight some facts. Keep reading to find out.

Myth # 1: All Digital Evidence Can Be Recovered

Fact: It is Not Possible to Collect All Data if the Device is Damaged

Most people assume that digital forensic experts can extract all data. However, that is not true. If the device holding the data is damaged beyond repair, it might be difficult to extract complete data. While there are many tools, apps, and software available for extraction, it might not always work.

Myth # 2: The Digital Forensics Can Extract Data in No Time

Fact: It Does Take a Lot of Time

As mentioned above, not all devices are simple and easy to operate. There are certain devices with encryptions and damage, which can take a lot of time, even if digital experts are working on them. The goal is to extract data without destroying or compromising it.

Thus, digital forensic experts have to work very carefully, spending hours on end to extract data in its raw form. Just because things are digital doesn’t mean it does not take time.

Myth # 3: Digital Forensics is About Computers

Fact: Several Devices Require a Unique Approach

Most people think digital forensics is all about computers, but that is not true. Technology has evolved by leaps and bounds and several devices can hold data. To crack a case and collect evidence, a digital forensic expert might have to exact data from several devices, such as phones, cameras, databases, and more. Each device might come with different challenges and require a unique approach.

If you are looking for reliable digital forensic experts, you’ve come to the right place. Eclipse Forensics is a top digital forensics company in Florida with a team of competent digital forensic experts.

Posted in Blog, Digital Forensic.