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Can Digital Forensics Help Combat Cybercrime?

The technological advancements of this century have become useful to us in all walks of life. The criminals of the 21st century have also unfortunately modified their criminal channels accordingly.

Data leaks, hacks, and breaches of sensitive information were not common more than a decade ago. However, cybercrime has become the most dangerous and discreet method of committing crimes today. To catch these technologically evolved criminals, digital forensics has also morphed accordingly. Cybersecurity has become an essential concern of most private and government sectors, and computer forensics engineers can prove helpful in this regard.

Types of Cybercrime

The word cyber crime signifies an array of criminal activities. Here are some of the most common types:

1. DDos Attack

This attack happens by overcrowding a site through multiple sources to render an online service useless. Once the network is down, the hackers get access to sensitive information.

2. Botnets

This type of attack remotely uses compromised sources to attack and access their target computers.

3. Identity Theft

Insurance or tax frauds are committed via this kind of cybercrime. Criminals might also assume the identity of an innocent citizen and commit a crime to divert the focus of law enforcement agencies.

4. Cyberstalking

This type of crime is commonly used by a criminal to threaten and blackmail a person via online sources. The criminal stays uncovered due to the unknown server it keeps hidden behind.

5. Phishing

This criminal method involves a hacker gaining access to a user account by sending malicious links via email. As cybercriminal methods are evolving fast, many of these spam emails go undetected. This results in hackers gaining access to sensitive personal information of the user.

6. Online Scams

These scams occur when a cybercriminal sends users malware disguised as an attractive advertisement. These scams have become commonplace worldwide and have resulted in frauds of millions and billions of dollars at times.

cyber security

Cybersecurity and Digital Forensics

With the help of forensic computer analysts, many attacks can be detected and prevented. Digital forensic engineers can also trace back the source of any previous attacks and protect the user from similar crimes in the future.
Eclipse Forensics offers Court certified forensics services to individuals and companies struggling with cybercriminal attacks. Our cyber forensic experts have the right tools and expertise to help your system be safe from any malware, data leaks, and information breaches. Contact us today and keep cybercriminals locked out of your personal accounts.

Posted in Blog, Digital Forensic.