hacker with laptop and phone

The New Era of Crime: The Criminal Channels of the 21st Century

Transnational and organized crimes are rising with digitalization. People knowingly or unknowingly fall victims to these crimes. They’re also a significant threat to national security.

The emergence of these new crimes demands new laws and due diligence from law enforcement agencies.


With the advancement in technology and social media, new criminal trends are emerging in cyberspace. Our global connectivity has become a haven for cybercriminals.

Personal information through online banking, shopping, and social networks—everything is at their disposal. They attack the integrity of individuals or organizations by accessing this information through fraudulent emails and messages.

Cybercrimes vary by the criminal’s intent and their victims. They range from spam to cyber terrorism to child trafficking to harassment, and more.

If you receive an email requesting a financial transaction or asking for personal information, immediately contact your computer analyst.

Identity theft

Millions of people in the US are falling victims to identity-related crimes.  Our social security number is our de facto identification number; we use it for traveling, shopping, and paying our taxes and bills.

Accessing your social security number means stealing your identity.

Equipped with sophisticated tools, criminals can access your credit card information and use it to pay huge bills, ultimately burdening you with debts.  Identity theft is usually hard to detect until the damage is well and truly done.

You can, however, incorporate some measures to protect yourself. Once you see some unknown transactions from your bank, consult the local cyber forensic expert immediately.

Hate crimes

The US has seen a rise in hate crimes since 2008, especially against Black and Asian communities. Hate crimes instill fear in particular communities.

Criminals spite emotions by taking advantage of the loopholes in the law and delivering hate speeches on social media. These criminals also actively take part in these hostile acts. These racially-fueled crimes promote antagonism in communities.

If you have evidence in the form of videos on your cellphones, video forensics experts may identify these criminals.


Wildlife Trafficking

You might have unknowingly become part of the illicit wildlife trade. During your travels, you might have purchased souvenirs created from wildlife. Wildlife trafficking is a multibillion-dollar industry in the US.

The traffickers capture rare and endangered animals and trade them on the black market. Some animals never make it to the market. They die mid-transit due to inadequate care.

Wildlife trafficking doesn’t just break the rule of law but also threatens the economic development of a country.

Court-certified eclipse forensics has worked with numerous law enforcement agencies and individuals. Their team of experts includes but is not limited to video, data, and audio forensics.

Contact them for services.

Posted in Blog, Crime.