video forensic expert at work

Here’s How to Become a Video Forensics Expert

Video evidence might seem to solve a crime. However, it can also lead to false accusations against someone who isn’t guilty.

The camera cannot lie; however, it can always be manipulated to alter the truth. This is where video forensic experts come in to authenticate and analyze video evidence in a legal case.

But, what makes a professional video forensics expert? This post explains how anyone can become a professional video forensics expert.


To work as a video forensic expert with Law Enforcement Agencies, it’s crucial to gain post-secondary education.

While most universities and colleges don’t offer Bachelor’s degrees that specifically offer video forensics education, certain universities offer video forensics certificate programs.

Universities like Marshall University, National Center for Media Forensics, and National University offer graduate certificates and short-term programs.

These certificate programs offer the knowledge and training required to identify, collect, examine, and preserve various types of video evidence. Moreover, these programs brief students about video analysis policies, tools, techniques, and legal and ethical considerations in the process.

People who want to jump-start their career as video forensics experts can enroll in these programs to gain theoretical knowledge about the profession.

Gaining Experience on the Field

The ideal way to gain experience in the video forensics profession is to work alongside experienced video forensic experts. Law Enforcement agencies provide specialized training programs to refine the experts’ skillset further and help them gain expertise in the field.

Moreover, you can always volunteer to work with Law Enforcement agencies to learn all about the working environment. The experts at Law Enforcement agencies can provide ‘on-the-job training’ and help you become an expert in your career.

video forensic experts training program

Video forensic experts need to know about Artificial Intelligence video tools, color distortions, video compression, and frame rates to ensure that they’re apt at their job.

Any video forensic expert who hasn’t taken part in any of the required training might not know how to collect, examine, and most importantly, preserve original data. Moreover, it’s crucial that video forensic experts know how to perform video enhancement, sharpen images, and improve pixel integrity without tainting the original video evidence.

It’s important to note that Law Enforcement agencies perform rigorous background checks and are only interested in hiring people with a clean slate and no integrity or behavior issues.

Professional video forensics experts can help enhance and authenticate video evidence in legal proceedings. At Eclipse Forensics, our team has years of experience, the necessary scientific knowledge, and training to authenticate and analyze video evidence.

Learn more about our video, audio, and digital forensic services on our website here.

Posted in Blog, Forensics, Video.