Cybercriminals pose an enormous threat to individuals and organizations. They are adept at finding new ways to extract information and money from their victims. Only top-notch data forensic experts can safeguard you from these malicious attacks.
It may help to be aware of the common tactics and techniques they use to compromise your privacy.
Have you ever clicked on such messages telling you you’ve won a free cruise trip? Or something along the lines of, ‘send this message to five of your friends and win the new iPhone?’
Well, friends, that’s phishing at its finest.
Recently, the US has seen a rise in phishing attacks on individual and corporate levels.
Online fraud and identity thefts are the most common form of phishing. The criminals send fraudulent emails and social media messages en masse, leading the user to a carefully constructed fake website.
Here’s where the victim is trapped. These websites either contain infected attachments or malware; or they trick the user into entering personal and sensitive details like contact numbers, passwords, or date of birth.
The criminals then hold this information over the head of individuals or corporations for extortion.
The only way to steer clear of such scams is to stop trusting your emails. If you are receiving these threats and messages, reach out to your local cyber forensic experts.

Malware attacks
If your browsing speed has slowed down, or you are redirected to a website you never intended to visit, contact your computer analyst. Malware might have found its way into your system. A malware attack compromises your computer security. Cybercriminals spread malware on your computer through website spoofing. Designed to look like a legitimate website, the hackers deceive you into gaining access to your personal and financial data.
Unable to restore this data, the company or individual is then at the mercy of the attackers.
Some malware encrypts data and demands a ransom in return, while others trick you into downloading applications that infect your computer.
DDoS attack
Often distributed globally, DDoS exploits vulnerability in one computer system or network device to take down a whole server.
The distributed denial of service disrupts the traffic of a server or network by redirecting a flood of malicious internet traffic or bot-nets.
The goal of these attacks is to exhaust the target’s resources and deny services to the users.
Internet of Things (IoT) devices don’t have an adequate level of security, and they’re highly exposed to such attacks.
A person can’t detect such attacks. Recruit the services of cyber forensic experts as a necessary precaution.
Are cybercriminals breaching your privacy? Don’t fret. Eclipse forensics has your back. Their cyber forensic experts guarantee the protection of your personal and financial information.
Reach out for their court-certified services.