CCTV camera

Answering the Most Asked Questions about Audio & Video Forensics

Audio and video forensics is considered a primary branch of forensic science in the digital world.

There are three basic principles of audio and video forensics – acquisition, analysis, and audio and video evaluation. This blog post will answer some of the frequently asked questions regarding audio and video forensics.

What Kind of Results to Expect from Enhancement of Audio and Video Evidence?

Forensic experts aim to develop the authenticity of the evidence by examining the audio and video. This is to ensure the best representation of the audio or video. For instance, they may clear muffled audio or enhance a grainy video to provide more details. However, each recording and circumstance is unique.

What are the Analysis Limitations?

Audio and video enhancement are limited by the original recorded image and its resolution. For video recordings, a higher resolution or pixel count provides a detailed image. If there’s a suspect in the video, zooming will do no good if the camera optics are poor.

Moreover, audio recording in a noisy environment is likely to be unclear. Though damage to the audio and video recording can be compensated for, it varies widely by circumstance.

How are Quality Assurance and Quality Control Performed?

The forensic science disciplines implement the necessary procedure and policies to evaluate the equipment and facilities. A crime laboratory may also be required to get accreditation. This is to ensure that it meets the quality standards. The two internationally recognized accreditation programs in the United States are – The American Society of Crime Laboratory and ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board/FQS.

What is the Information in an Analysis Report?

The report of findings is provided to either the person who submitted the evidence or to the investigator. The examination report will provide the following details.

  • Obtained results
  • Nature of the request
  • Identification of the format and type of audio or video
  • Type of processing performed
  • Subject description
  • Examination limitations

Professional audio equipment

At Eclipse Forensics, we can help you with mobile device forensics, audio authentication, forensic image reduction, video enhancement, cell phone searching, computer forensic expert, and more.

For more information, get in touch with us via our website or call us today at (904) 797-1866.

Posted in Blog, Forensics.