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7 Tips to Keep Yourself Safe from Cybercrime


Criminal activities are on the rise throughout the country. Criminals seem to be coming up with newer ways to attack their vulnerable targets every day. The motives of these criminals vary from one to another, and the damage done to the victim can be severe at times. Cybercriminals are the most feared criminals of our century, and here are a few ways you can protect yourself from their attacks.

1. Be Careful with URLs

Never click on the URLs that look malicious or unauthentic. These URLs could lead you to a virus and end up breaching your computer’s security. Digital Forensic experts regularly warn the public of such URLs that could make you the victim of a cybercrime.

2. Update Your Operating System

Your computer’s software and operating system offer you updates that come with better security options. Make sure to update this software timely, so your system is always secure from any cybercrimes.

3. Keep Your Anti-Virus Software Updated

Anti-virus software helps you detect any malware and keep your computer safe from criminals. For people with limited knowledge about viruses and cybercriminal tools, the use of updated anti-virus software is especially important. The anti-virus will scan and remove any harmful malware from your computer.

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4. Secure Your Online Transactions

Online payments have become commonplace in almost every industry and sector of commerce. Cyber forensic experts advise the public to invest in internet security options that keep your online transactions encrypted and protected. This is so your financial information cannot be leaked to hackers for fraudulent use.

5. Always Use Strong Passwords

It might seem insignificant to choose especially strong passwords for social media sites. However, these sites can often be a pathway for cybercriminals to access sensitive data on your computer. Change your passwords on all accounts regularly and use complex combinations. Digital forensic consultants recommend that you use impersonal passwords for online accounts to maximize your data’s security.

6. Be Careful with Spam Emails

Spam emails are the most convenient way for cybercriminals to gain access to your operating system. Avoid clicking on any attachments present within a spam email. Always verify the sender before opening and replying to emails. Keep a check on your spam mails and block any unknown senders that email you regularly.

7. Check Your Bank Statements Regularly

Criminal activities do not always involve damage worth thousands of dollars. Often, hackers can use your account credentials for transactions worth only a few dollars. Keeping a check on your account statements will allow you to detect any loophole that might be giving way to such attacks. If not addressed on time, these frauds could end up costing you hundreds of thousands in the future. With the help of your bank and court-certified forensics by Eclipse Forensics, you can trace any unauthorized transactions from your account and keep yourself safe from cybercrime.

Posted in Blog, Crime.